Ahimsa Scrapbook
“The memories of moments filled with learning, joy, love, connection, release, realization, humility, peace and healing are many.”
A letter of thanks to JP from Leila N.
“Magical classes….shanti is Ahimsa.”
A sweet note to JP and Michelle from Lidia V.
“I have never known such profound relaxation anywhere else, and such a sense of being held in an atmosphere of love and connection.”
A perfect description of savasana by Victoria W.
“This truly isn't a goodbye but a hello to the next chapter.”
Studio memories by Pat R.
“Thank you for being an inspiration on how to move through life always choosing more love.”
A note to JP from Nikki S.
“To me, Ahimsa is not just four walls, but rather it's a formidable community that will ripple on (and on and on).”
Fun memories from Jess BT
“Wherever we go, all of us who are part of the Ahimsa community will take a little bit of Ahimsa forward into the future with us…”
Beautiful words by Lynne M.
“Ahimsa is magic. That space is infused with the collective magic that we all built there together- guided by the fearless and loving JP and Michelle.”
Yogayama memories by Skye F.
“I did my first yoga class at Ahimsa at least ten years ago (it was Octopus Garden then) and JP might have been my first teacher.”
A sweet recollection by Alex A.
“A sense of expansion, of stillness, of warmth, of connection, of sweetness, of something so familiar and welcoming…”
Sweet Ahimsa memories from Janick H.
“When I reflect on what makes this community so special to me, it is the palpable feeling of profound trust between students and teachers.”
Reflections on Ahimsa Yoga by Jaimee H.
“Ahimsa Yoga will live on because our community is so strong…”
A note to JP and Michelle from Stephanie G.
“I still go on my mat, and hear JP’s soft instructions in my ears, and still it calms me and centers me back to who I am.”
A note to JP & Ahimsa from Bahar G.